Most people know that you burn calories when you exercise your body.
Many people believe that checking calories is just for people who want to diet.
However, there is much more to the calorie than we may think.
The standard nutrition label on your food products is based on a 2,000 daily
calorie intake. That’s the average basic calories your body burns a day, just
to function. If you were an avid sportsperson or worked out regularly, you’d
need to take in many more calories to fuel this extra activity. This is also
true for active people who like to go for walks, clean the house often or work
in the garden regularly. They too need extra calories to sufficiently fuel
these simple tasks.
It makes sense, the more you do, the more calories you burn and the
more you need to eat. Still, very rarely do they mention that you brain burns
20% of your average daily calorie intake a day – just to keep you going.
For people who like to work on a computer most of the day, this is a
very important fact. Also true for people who tend to be the worry type. They
too burn more brain calories than the average person.
The brain needs glucose to function. By eating foods and drinking
beverages, you provide your body with sustenance which it then converts into
glucose. Your body and brain then burns away this glucose fuel, creating energy
to function. Just like a car needing fuel to run – without it, you can’t move
Ever feel fatigue just from working on the computer? Chances are you’re
burning more fuel than you have in reserves. My advice would be to treat your
brain like you would treat your body if you were an athlete. Make sure you have
a good nutritious, healthy breakfast and keep maintaining your energy reserves
throughout the day by snacking on fruits and vegetables. Stay hydrated and
drink plenty of herbal teas.
It’s important to take regular breaks if you work on the computer most
of the day. These breaks help prevent all sorts of ailments such as eye strain,
wrist problems and general stiffness. While taking these breaks, it’s a good
opportunity to have a snack or something to drink.
People who solve problems, work on mathematical equations or tend to
worry and think more than is needed, should also take care to provide their
brains with sufficient nutrition. Burnout can creep up on you faster than you
may think. If you find yourself running on empty most of the time, you could be
causing serious damage to your system.
Listen to your body and stay healthy.
So true butI tend to eat more than what my body want lol.
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