Friday, December 10, 2010


Few people realise the effect their actions have on others or even the world. Everyone creates ripples from tiny subconscious actions to monumental intentional deeds. You are creating ripples whether you intend to or not.

Some people see these as consequences to their actions. Others purposely act in a certain way knowing the outcome it will create. These are all one in the same. That is how we all partake in shaping the world and how we perceive life.

Be aware of the ripples you create so that you can do so with better intent. So that you can send your positive ripples out and know that somewhere, someone will feel the effect. Be aware that all your actions, every single one of them, sends out a ripple that will affect another on some level. Just because you don’t see the effect, does not make you less liable for the cause.

Remember the ripple – and it could be a great tool in life.

(Reposted. Originally Posted Thursday, December 10, 2009)

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