Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Appreciating the little things.

While working in the garden today I came across two wonderful finds. Normally one would not look twice at these tiny beautiful flowers as they hide out of sight. That, and they are classified as weeds so why pay them any attention aside from ripping them from the ground. Weed or not, they are stunning in my eyes.

Yellow Oxalis, Sleeping Beauty (Oxalis corniculata)

A fairly common garden weed that ought to be welcome for its ability to cover the ground in interesting reddish leaves and bright yellow trumpet flowers. Spreads rapidly, grows anywhere - I even found a seedling in the crack between a window and its frame! Very difficult to get rid of, with tiny tubers and lots of seeds.

Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
The familiar weed you see on grassy verges, with a spike of bright blue flowers with a white eye. A perennial, around 6", with serrated-edged hairy leaves. The flowers don't last, the stems are weak and straggly, and it's best left to the roadsides. Several similar species.

Another flowers worth looking at is the Rose. Often we only observe this plant from afar and praise it's abundance of flowering rose. Seldom we stop and give them a whiff. Let's not forget to do this and take not of the finer beauty.

Close up of an 'Parson's Pink China' or 'Old Blush' flower. Can you smell it...

(Reposted. Originally Posted Monday, July 27, 2009)

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