Tuesday, July 6, 2010


What I've learned from being in any form of leadership position, is that it's not just a fancy title. You take the blame for everything, get the least amount of appreciation, every decision you make is questioned - that's just some of the wonderful things you experience as a leader.

Some people like to be in charge for the glory. If you are one of those people, change your attitude immediately! Others do it because nobody else will. Few have what it takes and even fewer last long enough to make a difference. So perhaps it would be kind of people to sometimes show appreciation for the hard work, dedication and a ton of responsibility that befalls the poor soul in a leadership role.

A genuine leader will do what's best for the whole and not for self. They will sacrifice their own time, energy and resources for progress. These people deserve acknowledgement and support and are the true leaders of the time.

Give thanks, show support or if you are the leader in such a position, give yourself a pat on the back. You don't need praise or recognition to know that you are doing the right thing and working in your best capacity.

(Reposted. Originally Posted Monday, July 6, 2009)

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